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青岛新闻网  2004-08-04 15:50:16 

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Task1: the map and four pie charts indicated the land used in usa from four different regions: central, south, south
west and south east!!! please describe that for university lecture.
(′ó???íê??a???ù)????íáμ?μ?ó?í?·?±eê?£ofor forest, for crops , for animals and for other used.±3?°í??íê?ò????à1úμ?í? ?óé?????pieí? ?ú????????£?×ó ?D ?? óò ?ù??±èày??2?ò??ù ???D×óoíóò?Dμ?crops land ±èày×?′ó£?

Task2: in the modern world, the school is become unnessary for children to study, they can use internet which have a widely information availble for children. so that children can study at home instead.
what extent do you agree or disagree!!??
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