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青岛新闻网  2004-07-31 17:04:43 新东方

页面功能   】 【 小字】【 】【打印】【关闭




一. Addition

in addition ,and,similarly,likewise,as well as,besides,furthermore,also
,moreover,and then,too ,not only ... but,even,besides this/that

二. Sequence

first(ly) ,initially,second(ly) etc.,to begin with,then,next,earlier/later,after this/that

following this/that,afterwards

三. Consequence

as a result ,thus,so,therefore,consequently,it follows that,thereby,eventually,then,in that case,admittedly

四. Contrast

however ,on the other hand,despite,in spite of,though,although,but,on the contrary

otherwise,yet,instead of,rather,whereas,nonetheless,even though,

compared with,in contrast,alternatively

五. Certainty

obviously ,certainly,plainly,of course,undoubtedly

六. Condition

if ,unless,whether,provided that,for,so that,whether,depending on

七. Definition

is ,refers to,means,that is,consists of

八. Summary

in conclusion ,in summary,lastly,finally,to sum up,to conclude,to recapitulate

in short

九. Example

for instance ,one example,for example,just as,in particular,such as ,namely

to illustrate

十. Reason

since ,as,so,because(of),due to,owing to,the reason why,in other words

leads to,cause

十一. Time

before ,since,as,until,meanwhile,at the moment,when,whenever,

as soon as,just as    (特约编辑Realist)

页面功能   】【 小字】【 】【打印】【关闭

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