

The Beijing Film Academy Qingdao Base is to be built 2005-01-14 18:10:25


  The Beijing Film Academy Qingdao Base is to be built   

  The foundation-stone laying ceremony of the B
eijing Film Academy Qingdao Base was held in the Qingdao Economic development zone. Du Shicheng, secretary of the communist party committee of Qingdao sent a letter of congratulations and Xia geng, mayor of Qingdao, attended the ceremony.

  In his letter Mr. Du says that film and media industry is a fashionable and dynamic industry fit to the cultural development of Qingdao. The building of the Qingdao Base is no doubt a foresight initiative and will in return have a positive impact on the development of the Beijing Film Academy. He hopes that the Qingdao Base with its high quality facilities and first-class management can contribute to Qingdao's development.

  The Beijing Film Academy Qingdao Base is located in the tourist zone in the Xuejiadao Island. After the completion of its first phase construction in 2006, the Base will be used as a center for film research, production and exchanging.

  Zhang Yimou, classmate of Zhang Huijin when studying in BFA 20 years ago, now has grown to be a well-known film director both in China and around the world. He also sent a greeting letter to the foundation ceremony. Another film director, Tang Jili, who is from Hong Kong and reputed as the most successful director of action films, congratulated the ceremony as well. (Li Xiaohua )


  北京电影学院青岛教学基地奠基 杜世成发贺信夏耕出席   

  青岛日报2004年12月29日讯 昨日上午,北京电影学院青岛教学基地在美丽的薛家岛旅游度假区举行奠基仪式。省委副书记、市委书记杜世成发来贺信,市领导夏耕、崔锡柱、马论业、王修林、展文良等出席了奠基仪式。





  著名导演张艺谋和香港著名导演唐季礼向奠基庆典发来了热情洋溢的贺信。著名影视明星张丰毅,著名导演尹力、李少红、韩刚、霍建起等参加了当天的奠基仪式。 青岛日报记者 青岛日报通讯员



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