I ce打开宿舍的窗,伸手去迎接那些飘落的雪花。雪花一落在她的手心,便 倏 地消失了。
大学生活还有几个月就要结束了,人称 冰美人 的她因为至今还没有男朋友,常常成为室友们口头
攻击 的焦点,说她真是 富家美女眼眶高 ,都大四了还不着急。但 I
ce觉得这很自然。她一直在等待那种善良、宽容、品行端正的男孩。 I
I ce乐得清闲,正好上网跟网友 W ine好好聊聊。
--ral Ice
It was a snowing day in winter.
Dotted with snowflakes, the college campus
was fairly beautiful.
Ice opened the win dow of her dorm, and
reached out her hands to meet the snowflakes,
which melted as soon as they fell on her hands.
Time elapsed so quick ly just like the
snowflakes melting in her hands.
It was only several months before her gradua
tion. Ice with the nick name of″Icy Beauty″ had
always been the central point of oral attacks of
her roommates because she didn't make a
boyfriend.″Girls from rich family will always look
down upon others″ was the common comment. But Ice
thought it natural. She was waiting for the boy
with liberal and moral personality. Ice didn't
want to fall in love casually like some of her
roommates. Ifso, love would become mineral wa ter,
tasteless and colourless.
It was another week end, and all her
roommates had gone out for fun. Ice enjoyed the
quietness and thought it a good chance to
communicate with her cyber friend-Wine
n aturala.自然的,天然的,天生的,固有的liberala.慷慨的,大方的,自由的
引 compel驱使,逼迫; r estrain阻止,约束 m
引 morale士气,心情; m ortal致命的mineraln.矿石,矿物
c oraln.珊瑚,珊瑚色 f ederala.联邦的,联合的,联盟的
引 t he Federal Gov ernment联邦政府;
t he Federal Bureau of Investigation联邦调查局
f uneraln.葬礼
g enerala.总的,普通的,大约的 n.将军
引 a s a general rule一般说来 i n general通常地
laterala.侧面的 n.侧部,附加物
l iterala.原本的,文字上的,夸张的
n eutrala.中立的,中性的,中和的
plurala.复数的 n.复数
r urala.农村的,乡村的
引 u rban城市country乡村 c ountryside乡村
1.Mr.Henderson was determined to remain____.
2.Crops are grown in____areas.
's____ to say hello to each other when
acquaintances meet.
4.The____ of the story is″ No pains, no
5. As a____rule, the rich are mean 吝啬的 .
6. In the United States, the foreign policy
is decided by the____gov ernment, not by each
neutral rural natrual moral general central
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