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青岛新闻网  2004-01-07 00:00:00 

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Ghost or An gel?

  How many roads must a man walk before we call him a man?

  How many years must I learn English before I pass the exam?

  This is a popular song in school. It reflects a common thought that English is difficult to master. In some students’eyes, English is ghost. Is it true?

  Michel Jordan said, I love this game pointing at a basketball he was holding in his arms. Therefore, he focused his life onit, exhausted after each game but happy all his life. At last, he succeeded, and is now known as the world’ s Flying Man .Einstein said, Interest is the best teacher. He loved physics, so he wrote a historic book Theory of Relativity. It’ s true that one’ s talent plays an import role in success, but perhaps the real key lies in one’ s interest, his or her deep affection towards career.

  One can’ t devote him or herself to career without keen interest. Studying English is the same. If you are eager to learn English well, the best way is not to recite word by word, or to bury your head in routine exercises. Instead the first thing you should do is to love English.

  In my eyes, English is an angel. Studying English is a source of pleasure tome. I always feel energetic when I study English, each word in my eyes is a glass of fresh water, and I were as a person desert ed in desert for several days or weeks or months. I can’ t help myself reading or reciting new English texts as soon as possible. I believe English is angel, she has a magic effect onme. I am deeply attracted to this interesting language. Maybe that’ s the most important reason why my best subject is English. English is a ghost. many students think, so English keeps a distance away from them.

  English is an angel. I think, so English becomes my best company in life.

  Written by Li Ting fromNo.2Mid dle School












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