序 建筑,固然是技术,也是艺术,还被称为凝固的音乐.青岛的现代建筑素称于世,亦为国内外建筑师、画家注目。四季街头,皆见作画、写生的著名画家及习画者。建筑艺术与绘画艺术结合,产生“双重艺术”,并不乏精品。这本《欧韵青岛》是颇有风韵的一本青岛建筑画册。我总以为青岛建筑以欧陆风格为其特色,而以水彩画反映会更具有神韵...详情请进>>
Architecture though technology, is also an art, which is often
called the solidified music. Qingdao's architecture enjoys a good
fame and frequently appears in the drawings of artists. Qingdao
of European Charm is the art combination of architecture adn paintings...
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后记 感谢大自然鬼斧神工雕琢了美丽的故乡青岛。它就像大海中一颗跳动的音符,激发着艺术家们无尽的遐想和创作灵感。感谢上苍赋于我艺术细胞,让我自幼酷爱绘画,矢志追求纯真和完美,义无反顾地跋涉在漫漫艺途上。历经长期的磨砺、切磋,近几年来,我将目光锁定在岛城那些风格迥异,各具特色的老建筑上。...详情请进>>
I would like to thank the Nature that carves out a beautiful
land, my hometown Qingdao. Itis the inspiration for numerous artists.
Thanks also to my parents who endowed me with art ability. I may
take up painting to realize my dreams.
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